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Thursday, September 19, 2024


By T. Couture
Before I close my eyes at night
And then again in morning light
I pray for those that need God’s way
To help them through another day.
I pray for that couple that had a fight
For God’s sweet love to make it right.
I ask that they forget the pain
And find forgiveness and hope again.
I pray for families that had a loss
And I think of Jesus upon that cross.
His nail-scarred hands around them tight
And somehow, I get through the night.
I pray for our leaders and pastors too
For they have a very hard job to do.
I pray for their wives, who have their back
And that their spirit will never lack.
I pray for loved ones that no longer see
The benefits of serving Thee
Oh God! I so long for this
So they can see all that they miss!
I pray for healing for all my friends
I pray for their pain to finally end.
I believe in my heart that you hear me pray
And I KNOW that the answer is on the way!
Lastly, I pray that I may stay close
To the one that I love the very most.
Every second I have on this earth
I want to serve You and see Your worth.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024



Your Love (from sermons on fruit of the Spirit)


Your love gives me joy.

It gives me peace within

It helps me to stay strong

And gives me power to win.


I feel Your gentle touch

Each and every day,

Your kindness never fails

To help me know the way.


And goodness? That embodies You!

It brings me much relief

And teaches me to do the same-

To have a strong belief.


May I never lose my faith

In the One who shows such love

And not waiver from the truth

That there’s a Savior up above.


He knows my deepest thoughts

And every move I make,

He truly is my Savior

For He saved me for my sake.







Monday, August 19, 2024

Monday, July 22, 2024

                                                 THIS MUCH by Teri Couture

As I was walking along the road to Calvary,

I saw Jesus along the way

I asked him, "Jesus, how much do You love me?"

And this is what I heard Him say:

"I love you this much,"

"This much" He cried

As they nailed Him to the cross

when He was crucified.

"I love \you this much,"

"This much" He cried

And then He stretched out his arms

And He died.

As I was looking upon that cruel tree,

I thought of Jesus' goodness and grace,

I thought, Jesus, how much You must have loved me,

For I know that I...I should have taken Your place.

But you loved me this much,

"This much" You cried

As they nailed You to the cross

when You were crucified.

"You loved me this much,"

"This much" You cried

And then You stretched out Your arms

And You died.

Then I lay weeping at the feet of Jesus

And I saw angels come to stand by His side

I stood upon my feet and looked up to the sky

and with my hands stretched toward heaven, I cried:

"I love you this much, this much," I cried

"And for You, Lord, I'd be willing to die,"

"I love you this much, this much," I cried

"And for You, Lord, I would be willing to die."

 I wrote this song in honor of a great man of God, John Pelkey.  He spoke these words to me when I was going through the worst things in my life.  It became "our" song.  He made me promise to sing it at his funeral and I did.  Love you, John!


I was ready to give up

My life was in despair

Then a fellow Christian told me,

"It's not more than you can bear."

I started disagreeing,

said, "The battle's just too great."

He opened up his Bible to Romans 8:28


All things work together for good to those that love the Lord

And are called according to His purpose,

Oh yes, all things work together for good to those that love the Lord

And are called according to His purpose,

Well, I got through the darkest hour that comes before the dawn

Thinking of that Bible verse,

It's now become my song.

I couldn't understand the reason why I had to wait,

It tells me in my Bible: Romans 8:28.  (Chorus)

So if you see a soul in need,

let him have a look

For he can be encouraged by what's written in the Holy Book

Tell him all about the Lord

But let God set him straight,

So he can go home singing Romans 8:28 (Chorus)

Tuesday, December 27, 2016


A "Mother Heart" is something only loving moms possess. It's when your babies are born and you don't care about the pain - just that you have what you've always wanted; It's when your toddler keeps you hopping and running everywhere with no thought of what you really need to do, but you are just so happy they are not sick and lying in bed instead. A mother heart is one that looks past all the hurts from the mouth of a pre-teen and thousands of "ignores" and even though the mother heart cries and cares deeply, it also overlooks and makes excuses for the behavior because a mother heart is still overruled by love. A mother heart breaks during the teen years when children are "finding themselves" and you don't like what they find. Oh, it gets frustrated, angry and tender, but again, a mother heart is filled with everlasting love that is very stubborn and once they "find themselves" and settle down, all is forgiven and a brand new relationship starts. That's a mother heart. That's a heart of love. That's a heart that never stops beating for a child. And then the mother heart expands into a grandmother heart and the process begins anew - this time much stronger and more understanding. I love my mother/grandmother heart and never want it to stop beating in love! ðŸ’–

Tuesday, November 18, 2014